Saturday, April 05, 2008

Lets talk about Liquorice Juice Sticks

Liquorice Juice SticksHome Remedy for Sore Throat Treatment

Wed, 16 Jan 2008 04:48:15 EDT
If making infusions, add two broken liquorice sticks to give a more soothing effect, or else use Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) ... Naturopathy - Natural Home cures for Sore Throat For adults and older children the diet can be restricted to fruit juices only for a day or two at most;...

Homemade Health Tips

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:19:37 EDT
... honey and juice of 1/2 a lemon first thing in the morning. ... Consume approximatly 250-300 grams of fresh grapes every day. Simply eat a few liquorice sticks....

Food natural laxative

Thu, 13 Dec 2007 11:16:27 EDT
Fruits and fruit juices have a natural laxative effect. ... Liquorice (mulathi) is a natural laxative. Chew a few sticks daily....

Food natural laxative

Thu, 13 Dec 2007 11:16:27 EDT
Fruits and fruit juices have a natural laxative effect. ... Liquorice (mulathi) is a natural laxative. Chew a few sticks daily....

Liquorice Juice Sticks ReviewsWheatgrass Skin Care

To emphasize the ill effects of smoking on your skin, the term "smoker's face" was added to the medical dictionary. This condition is caused when the skin in your face shows the lines and wrinkles�which make you look older�all due to smoking! The smoker's features are thin and gaunt. There are clear signs of premature aging, induced by poor blood circulation. Evidences show that a smoker's skin is more than 40% thinner than a non-smoker.

When you smoke, you are introducing stimulants into your system that affect your blood vessels.

It has also been suggested that smoking causes certain types of skin cancer. Further research is being undertaken to study the cosmetic effects that smoking has on your skin. For example, smoking dries your skin, especially in the areas affected by the nicotine smoke. Nicotine is also a diuretic and can reduce vitamin A in your body.
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Wheatgrass Skin Care

Barley Grass

There's no reason to restrict the kinds of food you eat week to week. I've never understood plans that say in Week 1, you can only eat these 10 foods. In Week 2, you can add another 5 foods. But if you gain weight, go back to Week 1.
View this site for more News on...
Barley Grass



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