A blog about Wheatgrass Seeds
Sat, 06 Sep 2008 07:23:11 GMT
Ore. man works to restore native plant species kgw.com (subscription), OR - He begins harvesting seeds for propagation in the summer, and tills into the autumn, the time of planting. When thinning, Huber likes to leave part of some ... |
Guru lemon lime Tea does not quite measure up to "Guru Standard" - Examiner.com
Wed, 17 Sep 2008 15:51:15 GMT
![]() Examiner.com | Guru lemon lime Tea does not quite measure up to "Guru Standard" Examiner.com - The lime green can speaks of both health and sports, looking like a futuristic wheatgrass supplement. there is a ton of info as to what you are drinking ... |
Crop Science - Detecting genetic changes over two generations of seed increase in an awned slender wheatgrass population using AFLP markers.
Sun, 01 May 2005 07:00:00 GMT
May 1, 2005 -- Diverse native grass populations are being developed for revegetation and land reclamation purposes, but little is known about the maintenance of the...
India Food Rocks
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:59:05 EDT
A diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds. ... Diet consists of raw sprouts, wheatgrass, vegetables, and fruit....
Wheatgrass Seeds NewsArthritis
However, aspirin is a bandage. It does not address the root cause, which is dietary impropriety. It is also not without its dangers since it can precipitate allergic reactions such as asthma by shunting arachidonic acid into the lipoxygenase leukotriene path and may actually increase platelet clotting if given in conjunction with fish oils.11
Excess consumption of oxidized fats and fatty acids of the omega-6 family will fuel the atherosclerotic system. Excess raw materials can exceed the ability of moderators. If the root cause is dietary, the ultimate solution must therefore also be dietary, not pharmacologic. It is ironic that the 80 million aspirin tablets taken daily by Americans may in large part be necessary to cancel the effects of 15 million pounds of omega-6-predominant processed polyunsaturated oils.
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Natural Aloe Vera Juice
Myth #1: In order to build muscle, you must achieve a "pump" during your workout. The greater the pump you achieve, the more muscle you will build.
For those of you who are just starting out, a �pump� is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside the muscle tissue when you train with weights. The muscles will swell up and leave your body feeling bigger, tighter, stronger and more powerful. While a pump does feel fantastic, it has very little, if anything to do with properly stimulating your muscles to grow.
A pump is simply the result of increased bloodflow to the muscle tissue and is certainly not indicative of a successful workout. A successful workout should only be gauged by the concept of progression. If you were able to lift more weight or perform more reps than you did in the previous week, then you did your job.
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Natural Aloe Vera Juice
Wheatgrass SeedsThe Importance Of Vitamins And Potassium In The Human Body
Have you ever wondered why the word 'essential' usually precedes the term, 'vitamins'? The reason is simple. Vitamins as well as minerals ensure that our bodies function as they were designed. Interestingly, as important as vitamins are, the body lacks the ability to manufacture most on its own. Instead, it must rely on outside sources to meet its nutritional needs.
Potassium is one of the body?s major minerals. It is an electrolyte like sodium or chloride but unlike those two, 95% of it is found inside the cells fluids. One of potassium?s functions is to control the muscles and the nerves.
The balance of electrolytes changes as they pass in and out of the cells. This causes an electrical charge and that is how the cells communicate with each other. These charges are how muscles contract.
The heart which is one of the body?s largest muscles relies on potassium to keep it beating. Potassium not only stores the main source of fuel, glycogen, but it also helps to convert blood sugar (glucose) into glycogen.
Without potassium the lungs and the kidneys wouldn?t function properly. It controls the water level. In fact, one of the symptoms of potassium deficiency is extreme thirst or water retention.
Potassium has been known to lower blood pressure in people affected by high blood pressure. It is beneficial to arthritis suffers because it removes the acids around the joints that cause pain. The way potassium reduces the acid level in the body not only helps with arthritis, but with headaches and migraines too. Potassium prevents the loss of bone mass which is a cause of osteoporosis.
Sources of potassium
There isn?t a daily recommended amount of potassium, but people are able to get enough eating fruits and vegetables such as dates, bananas, apricots, kiwis, oranges, tomatoes and potatoes. It is also available in foods such as legumes, meat, fish, whole grains and dairy products.
Potassium is water soluble. The excess is normally flushed out in the urine. However, people with malfunctioning kidneys are prone to heart problems.
Potassium deficiencies
Potassium deficiencies are due to excess vomiting, the misuse of laxatives or diuretics, and diarrhea. Aside from water retention and thirst, symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, poor circulation, insomnia, fatigue, hypertension, earaches or headaches, abdominal pain, general fatigue and malfunctioning nerves and muscles.
About the Author:
Rachel Gillespe is a staff writer at Nutrition Review and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Women's Digest.
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