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Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries
All you need are some MapQuest like directions to success. Let's get started...
Okay, take a minute to think about where your life is today. What's missing? What's missing from your career, your relationships, your health and fitness, and your financial situation? Here, let's make it easier, just print out this article and fill in the blanks...
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Naturally Green Blog - Goji Berries
natural remedyLet's Analyze the Results of Most Diet Trends
Sure it is always a great idea to want to better ourselves, be it in our job performances, health, relationships, however one thing that we have to make all efforts to avoid is the tendency to be overly compulsive about our attempts at self improvement?especially in regards to health: Physically, emotionally and mentally.
Now, friends, although one could be easily fooled into thinking that crash and fad diets will give you a quick fix solution, be careful how you treat that precious body of yours.
The results of most diet trends are indeed numerous and when thoroughly assessed might actually leave one to wisely not consider attempting them at all.
Now, It seems as though there's a new miracle diet book published every week.
What these books tend to hide are the results of most diet trends that very well could make their "quick weight loss program" not worth its their use at all.
Remember friends, the weight loss industry is a business and a big one at that and with everybody looking for the magic pill to solve their problems, it creates for more vulnerable and sadly a na?ve population to sell quick-fixes to.
Most dieting programs, especially extreme food-intake reduction and rapid weight loss, can have the following side effects:
* Prolonged hunger
* Depression
* Reduced sex drive
* Fatigue
* Irritability
* Muscle loss
With these points addressed, it will appear that the best solution to get down to a healthy weight will be to do it slowly. A balanced diet and moderate regular exercise will gently get you toned up, and keep the weight off for good.
Now, do you need some help for picking THE ?diet? to incorporate in your weight loss program, I suggest what Yoga Sages, the Drug-free fraternity and Several countries across the globe have in common: The Mucus-Free diet of your fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy whole grains
Heck, it?s so simple and at the same time wise, inexpensive AND delicious.
Here's to health.
Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Healthy Solutions for Weight Loss Blog today for more information on the effects of fad dieting |
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