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It is predicted by health experts that due to our children�s poor diet and lack of exercise their own parents will be outliving them. This is a scary thought, is it not. The most exercise many children get is getting out of bed! Many spend their leisure time in front of a computer or games console. School sports are non existent in many schools due the ethos of everyone having to be a winner. Competition in sports is bad because someone must lose. Many school playing fields have been sold off by local councils to developers. How short sighted!
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Rio Amazon GuaranaEat, Drink and Be Merry for Tomorrow We Diet
"No, I really shouldn't" I said waving a hand at the dessert menu being offered.
"What are you talking about?" my sister said, "You look great, and besides, you've been working way too hard. You deserve a treat". She handed the menu back to me and I reluctantly (yeah right) opened it up. What is it about knowing someone is dieting that makes us push them to break it? I don't believe we do it maliciously or mean to be undermining but that is exactly what we are doing. Is it because we know that we should be the ones dieting and those who stick to it make us feel guilty or even inferior?
I like to think that we are being supportive in a backhanded way. I mean how would you feel if you said you were dieting and everyone applauded? When they say we look great or don't need to diet they are trying to be complimentary and tell us we are just fine the way we are. I honestly believe there are very few who would say it to cause us to stumble and thereby make themselves feel better. As the saying goes, you don't have to blow out someone else's candle in order to shine yourself.
Perhaps that is why community groups like Weight Watcher's are not only popular, but effective. There you can meet up with like minded individuals who have the same basic goal to achieve that you are striving for. Do you think anyone there offers a dessert menu or pooh-poohs the idea that you not only should lose weight but you need to lose weight? No! They are all in the same boat as you and they will take their turns needing support and encouragement from you as well.
In a long term weight loss program it is easy to get frustrated when you don't see a huge difference from day to day. We are instant people living in an instant society that more often than not delivers what we want instantly. So is it any wonder we have a hard time being disciplined enough to lose those extra pounds that seemed to have materialized instantly? If you are like me you have lots of willpower, unfortunately it is the won't power that we need!
Slow and steady really does win the weight loss race and helps us to deviate from the instant gratification that we crave and develop a new and healthy way of thinking. Our new thinking leads to a healthy lifestyle change that can (and should) include more activity than we are more than likely used to. This is a two edged sword however as often when we increase our activity an increased appetite comes with it which takes us right back to square one.
How then do we reconcile our need for instant results and a new appetite to match our new activity level? It really isn't as hard as you might think but it does take a shift in perspective. We have to move to a new understanding of the adage "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" as we are consciously aware of everything that we are putting in our mouths. There are so many mindless calories that we consume each day that seem like nothing at the time but over the course of the day can add up to an extra meal. Because they are just bits and bites here and there we are not aware of their effect on our bottom line so to speak.
We must remember that crumbs have calories and they will stay with us for a lot longer than we enjoyed the taste of them at the moment we popped them into our mouths. When we start to see our eating habits as either improving or detracting from our lives and become consciously aware of what we eat, our health will improve, our energy will increase and our day to day lives will be easier as we don't have to lug around those extra pounds that sapped our vitality. Bon appetit!
About the Author
Rhonda Hoffman is a successful author and regular contributor to
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