Monday, March 10, 2008

Recent information on natural health foods

natural health foodsWhite bread linked to heart disease

Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:56:00 GMT
The Australian - The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how different foods ... low GI” released more slowly and deemed better for health. ... like grainy bread, starchy vegetables and natural muesli ...

The menopause info

Mon, 25 Feb 2008 22:35:08 EST
The menopause or a woman's change of life is a perfectly normal event which occurs in the mid
or late forties. It signifies the end of the female reproductive period of life which commenced at

News on natural health foodsBarley Grass

Exercise also produces endorphins which help to boost and modulate brain chemistry with respect to serotonin and dopamine balance.

Naturally, it stands to reason that all these factors will benefit patients with fatigue of DEPRESSIVE origin.

However, damage to the Autonomic Nervous System in patients with "true" Fibromyalgia and CFS mean that energy production via the Sympathetic Nervous System in response to exercise is impaired.
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Barley Grass

Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.

Let�s have a quick look at some of the reasons why people battle with weight loss. For so many people it is a constant battle and one they feel they have already lost from the word �go�. Your quality of life is affected when you are over weight and you really don�t feel good about yourself, in fact you feel down right rotten, worthless and just not worth the time of any ones day and so we see how the destructive cycle continues. You comfort eat and just keep putting on more weight leaving you feeling worse about yourself after each and every mouthful. A mouthful that you know you don�t really need but you just can�t stop yourself.

One of the things you certainly do not have control over is if it is a genetic factor that has caused you to put on weight and subsequently battle to loose the weight again. Maybe you have always been bigger than average and due to your bone structure you are �just that way.� Due to these genes your appetite is affected, the rate at which your body metabolizes food and then of course the fat � muscle ratio and how it is distributed in your body plays against you. Don�t get me wrong you may not have control over your DNA make up but you do have control over how you can handle it from here. Knowledge is power and when you are equipped with this power you can make better life style choices. Don�t put unrealistic pressure on yourself, it is not worth it and it makes you feel worse when you don�t reach these unattainable goals. Accept yourself and realize that you are wonderful just the way you are, and yes you may have to watch what you eat and how much of it you do eat and when!
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Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.

Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)

Gastric Bypass : One Way To Control Weight Problems

Losing weight is something that many people have to face at some point in their lives. For many people it is a lifelong struggle that results in them facing the medical problems associated with obesity.

When a person becomes morbidly obese they are actually facing a much shorter life span. The human body is not equipped to carry too much extra weight. With any additional mass, many of the bodys internal organs must work harder.
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Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)




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